Monday 4 June 2012

Letter: Dear Muiri

The following letter was found on the body of a dead courier, who apparently died of frostbite.

It probably wasn't a good idea to walk around Skyrim naked.

Dear Muiri,

I know things haven't been great between us lately. As you know, the death of my twin sister has hit us hard. My therapist, Helgird (well, she's more like a mortician, but she's the only one I know who resembles something of a doctor. I did consider asking Nurelion, but his cough might be contagious) has advised me to mention this fact to as many people as possible and ask them if they have lost anyone close recently. According to Helgird, this sudden unwanted display of personal grief towards strangers is a great way to deal with the mourning.

Anyway, when Alain robbed us, it was at the worst time imaginable. My parents and I couldn't really deal with it, so we simply blamed you for bringing the man in our lives. I now realize we might have overreacted a bit. But can you blame us? We didn't really know what to think.

For the sake of my sister Friga and our childhood friendship, I want to give you another chance. If you could sent me a letter back, in which you can explain one more time what happened and how sorry you are, then maybe we can  rekindle our friendship. If you do not respond to this letter, I'll have to assume that you did know what Alain was up to. But I'm sure that won't happen, since I know you are a good person at heart.

Nilsine Shatter-Shield

What could possibly go wrong?

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