Tuesday 5 June 2012

Journal: Owner of a Lonely Heart

The following is an entry from the journal of Camilla Valerius, the sister of Lucan, the owner of the Riverwood Trader.

No, she didn't get married to you.
18th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 201

I'm feeling so lonely lately. Life in Riverwood has never been the most exciting, but at least I used to have fun with Faendal and Sven. Unfortunately, one has been missing for ages now, while the other turned out to be an insensitive brute. Sometimes I wish that stranger had never come to our town. I mean, I'm glad he made it clear for me that Sven isn't the man for me, but at least Faendal would still be here. I still don't understand why he suddenly had to leave with that stranger. When they went to Bleak Falls Barrow together, I thought: "Good, Faendal is going to prove himself to me by helping in retrieving the Golden Claw from Bleak Falls Barrow." But when they came back with it, they just as quickly left again! Is it my own fault? For ignoring him when they brought back that stupid claw? Or because I was to lazy to walk over to him myself when I realized the truth about Sven?

That stranger has come back to town a couple of times though. The last time he came by, the day that Delphine inexplicably left (what is it with this stranger and people following him?), I tried asking him what had happened to Faendal. He didn't gave me a clear answer though. Instead, he mumbled something about a misunderstanding with a chicken and self-defense before running off again.

I wonder if I should keep waiting for Faendal or try to move on. But who else is their in this stupid little town? Embry? He's a mean old drunk. I guess I could try to put the moves on Orgnar. I don't think he and Delphine were an item. I know Lucan would approve, since he and Orgnar have been spending a lot of late nights together lately. Come to think of it, Lucan just told me the other day how the Golden Claw has been a gift from Orgnar in the first place. That sure was nice of him.

I'll need to consider this.

The bane of every aspiring Dragonborn

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