Monday 4 June 2012

Getting Started: My First Post (is quite boring)

Hey people,

I don't know if anybody will ever read this, but in case anybody will, I guess an introduction post is in order to understand what this blog is all about.

Bad news: Ralof isn't here to greet you. Good news: You won't lose your head.
So, have you ever played Skyrim and came across something where you thought: how did that happen? Or felt like the NPC didn't give you a proper explanation for doing a quest? Or ever wondered what ever happened to that one person you helped out ages ago? Well, maybe you didn't, but I did. Despite the immense world Bethesda Softworks has brilliantly created, I sometimes feel it lacks a certain motivation. So I thought to myself, What if I could give the other characters, the NPC's (Non-Playable Characters), a voice? What if I could tell their stories? Then I realized, I could!

In this blog, I will do two things:

1. I will create stories behind the characters, quests, random events and sometimes even common bugs in Skyrim, putting things in a new (and often ironic/funny) light. This will be done through letters and journal entries, supposedly written by the characters themselves. These entries are stand-alone and I'm, at the moment, not intending to create elaborate story lines around them. Most entries will contain several references to things in and surrounding the game. A true Skyrim fan will pick up on them.

Also, I'm one of those people that actually reads in-game books once in a while.
2. The Lydia diaries: Did you know that our favorite follower kept her own diary while traveling with the Dragonborn? In these diaries, the events that happen surrounding the Dragonborn are from her point-off-view. As we will discover, she has quite the personality, but has been taught not to show it to her Thane. To make the writing a bit more workable, the Dragonborn will be male, but otherwise I won't give him a name or race. He also dabbles a bit in each skill, so I guess he will be some sort of warrior/mage/thief/etc. hybrid. Lydia will commonly refer to him as her Thane.

Housecarl. Worse job ever?
Note that this is entirely based on my own imagination and experiences in Skyrim and things I encounter on the internet. I aim to make the entries funny and enjoyable (more so than this rather boring post), with a lot of references to things in the game.

Another thing: I'm not native to the English language. This blog is a great way to improve my own English, but I'll expect to make some mistakes.

I welcome comments and positive criticism, but please, don't be a frost troll.

Hope you enjoy!

Note: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is developed by Bethesda Softworks. This blog is a tribute to this game and is all in good fun. No copyright infringement is intended.

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