Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Lydia Diaries: Will He Return?

Entry 2:

It's time. Possibly. As I'm writing this, my soon-to-be Thane is on his way to the Western Watchtower with Irileth. To fight a freaking dragon! I have to admit, I'm anxious. The presence of a dragon is worse enough, since it can burn the whole city to the ground. But my whole personal future depends on the fact whether or not they can defeat the dragon.

My first reaction to Milmurnir: OMG! OMG! OMG! THIS IS SO COOL!
I died shortly after that.
Jarl Balgruuf just told me that I'm to become the housecarl of this great warrior. According to Balgruuf, the man has become a person of great importance in the hold. He personally recovered the Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow, which was apparently infested with draugr. On top of that, he survived Helgen and cleared out some bandit camps. The only strange thing I heard about him is that he has an inexplicable hatred for bunnies. I don't really know what's up with that. Maybe they're just rumors? The man sounds like an interesting man though and it would be my honor to serve him.

I need to gather my stuff now. It's not much, but I can't...

Wow! Just as I was writing the last sentence, something totally weird happened! A thundering voice swept all over Whiterun. I didn't really understand it, but Gerda tells me it's the Greybeards. They are summoning the Dragonborn! Can he be real? No time to think about it though. I need to gather my stuff! With a bit of luck, my Thane has survived his ordeal. This talk of dragons and Dragonborns has absolutely nothing to do with me. I have a Thane to serve!

Gerda? Ow, she's the maid. Just ignore her.

Monday 11 June 2012

Journal: Reporting for Duty?

The following is an entry from the journal of Legate Rikke, the Chief Lieutenant of the Imperial Legion.

I had seen so many amazing things in Skyrim already when I came across this map. Still, it was the coolest thing ever.

28th of Evening Star, 4E201

I still won't cooperate. As long as I stay here, everything will be fine. I'm sure General Tullius can defeat Ulfric without my help. He doesn't even need Winterhold! As long as the Legion holds Riften, we can attack Windhelm from the south. It's regrettable that Tulius doesn't see it like this, but Talos be praised that he continues to believe my reports about the blizzards preventing us from attacking on Winterhold. No matter what, I need to prevent an attack on the place of my childhood. The people of Winterhold have suffered enough.

It's hard to keep this up though. The Dragonborn, who has been enlightened enough to join the Legion, came by again today. He has been ordered by Tullius to report in with me over a month ago, but I keep pretending I don't know what he's talking about. He's persistent though and tried almost everything to get my attention. He has politely asked me, bumped into me, prepared me a nice meal, Shouted at me with all kinds of Shouts (including one that turned me into a block of ice, which was quite chilling) and I'm pretty sure he tried poisoning me by placing a vial of damage health in my inventory. Today, he even outright attacked me. The fight gave me a couple of bruises and some soldiers unfortunately died, but since he had won I had to do the whole "let's pretend this didn't happen". Which is fine by me, because I don't need Tullius hearing about this.

When the Dragonborn left again, I couldn't help thinking about the truce negotiations at High Hrothgar. If only they had agreed to trade Markarth for Winterhold... I keep kicking myself for not seeing this back then. With Winterhold peacefully transferred to the Imperial Legion, I wouldn't be in this mess. I would be fighting in the Rift. Or even better, Ulfric would be defeated and Skyrim at peace.

If only I could turn back time. Or somehow start this whole thing over. Imagine that, the ability to begin completely fresh like nothing has ever happened. If only that could be true.

I used to like Rikke. At least until she refused me to give me my next quest. The bitch!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Letter: Shopping Order

The following letter was found inside Fort Snowhawk.

Absolutely nothing wrong about this place.


As requested, the following goods are delivered to you:

Article                                   Number       Price in Septims
Venison                                 10               40
Potato                                   100             10
Leek                                      50               50
Green Apple                           50               150
Cabbage                                25               50
Salt Pile                                50               100
Ale                                        50               250
Honningbrew Mead                10               200
Wine                                    30               210
Steel Dagger                         10               180
Necromancer Robes              10               550
Ring of Recharging                 1                 216
Human Heart                         3                 300
Potion of Minor Healing           5                 85
Potion of Minor Magicka         20               400
Potion of Plentiful Magicka      3                207
Conjurer's Elixer                     2                 568
Spell Tome: Raise Zombie       5                245
Spell Tome: Soul Trap             5                500
Spell Tome: Dread Zombie      1                630
Petty Soul Gem (Empty)        10              100
Lesser Soul Gem (Empty)      10              250
Common Soul Gem (Empty)   10              500
Greater Soul Gem (Empty)      5               500
Grand Soul Gem (Empty)        1               200

Total                                                       6491

Regarding my sister, I'm afraid there has been a small misunderstanding. Unfortunately I don't have a sister, although I would have been more than willing to sell her to you. I could instead offer you my assistant Sigurd for a mere 500 Septims. He's a healthy young Nord with a passion for woodchopping. I'm not sure if you are specifically looking for a woman or not, but I assure you that Sigurd will not disappoint. Let me know if you are interested.

Since you've paid me 2500 Septims in advance, I'll be expecting the remaining 4041 Septims (including 50 septims courier costs) within the next two weeks.

With regards,


Belethor's General Goods,
Plains District,

Belethor: our friendly neighborhood shopkeeper

Friday 8 June 2012

Letter: The Wannabe Argonian

The following letter was found in the archives of the Thieves Guild.

Let's hope they have water damage and mold insurance.


Concerning Brand-Shei, his snooping around becomes more worrisome by the day. That wannabe Argonian keeps thinking he and I have some sort of special connection and it frustrates me to no end. Like he will ever understand how it feels like to swim underwater without a care in the world (discounting the occasional slaughterfish). He always comes by at the most inconvenient moments, talking about his old life in the Black Marsh. I've told him to back off, but he laughs it off as "good old Argonian badmouthing". He even told me he doesn't grow a beard, because  "other Argonians" can't. The nerve! Doesn't he know it's the dream of every young male Argonian to grow a kick-ass mustache?

My personal feeling aside, he almost inadvertently busted me twice while I was working on some counterfeits for the Thieves Guild. It's only a matter of time before he figures out what's really going on. Since it's in the interest of us both to keep our professional relationship a secret, something needs to be done about this.

I hope you can figure out a way to get him off my back. Last time we spoke, you mentioned something about framing him for a crime. Maybe there is some way to make me the victim of that crime? (Obviously, without me suffering any bodily harm.) That way, I won't have to deal with him anymore when he gets out of prison. Even ignorant Brand-Shei can't expect from me to want to hang out with him after being "robbed" by him.

I trust you'll make the proper arrangements.


So, you want a gold ore, two flawless sapphires and a mammoth's tusk. Wait, what does a Traditional Saxhleel Jeweler even mean?

Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Lydia Diaries: Trial By Secret-Fire

Entry 1:

I did it! I finally did it! I passed the housecarl test today! Da and ma would be so proud.

Hooray for Lydia!
It wasn't easy, but the hours of intense training sure paid off. To prove myself, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater had ordered me to escort and protect his court mage. As a true housecarl should, I was expected to show no emotion and obey every order that Farengar gave me without hesitation. By Shor, da and ma never told me how hard that part of the job description can be.

We first went to the stables of Whiterun where Farengar bought himself a horse. As I had expected, I didn't get one. This makes sense of course, since a true housecarl shouldn't become lazy by riding a horse. Who cares about the fact that you can lose sight of the one your protecting? Sure, he or she might get attacked by wolves, bandits, sabre cats, frost trolls, mudcrabs, ice wraiths, frostbite spiders, necromancers, bears, vampires, skeevers, spriggans, assassins or other random things. But what are the chances of that happening? At least a housecarl remains vigilant and in shape by constantly running after her (or his) liege.

It was there that Farengar told me our destination: the College of Winterhold. Apparently, he was in a desperate need of a good shave. I didn't really understood what he meant by that then, as I could just as easily point him towards a good barber in Whiterun. As any Nord woman, I'm no stranger to the razor. But like a true housecarl, I just nodded as if I understood. It wasn't until later that I found out that his sideburns give him his magical powers and that they needs recharging at the College of Winterhold once in every five years. Good thing I excel at the whole "show no emotion"-thing, or I would have bursted into a fit of giggles.

Why else wear those ridiculous sideburns?
Apart from traversing through a battle between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks - I asked Farengar if it wouldn't be wiser to walk around them, but he said that I should ignore it as he's above the petty squabbles of the little lords - everything went well. Until we reached Fort Kastav. The place was occupied with Stormcloaks and they thought we were Imperial spies! I tried to explain this wasn't the case, but they wouldn't believe us. Farengar sure didn't help by proclaiming that he should just kill them all and be done with it. I suppose I was lucky he didn't order ME to kill them all right then and there. Long story short, we were thrown into prison.

At that point, Farengar did give me an order. I was to get him out of the place, no matter what. As as true housecarl, I obeyed. I managed to open our cell with a lockpick I had hidden in my... come to think of it, where did I keep it? Anyway, we quickly found our stuff back, but I knew we wouldn't be able to get out of the place alone. Luckily for us, there were some other prisoners present. A group of wizards who were being held captive for the crime of being fans of the Green Skull, which I think is a group of Imperial bards. The leader promised us to help us escape if they could keep the fort. I saw no harm in that, so we came to an agreement.

The battle was bloody but short. I managed to kill three Stormcloaks with my famous sword-and-shield technique, before I realized those wizards had taken care of the rest. I've never heard the Green Skull play, but its fans are pretty capable in a fight. I did feel bad about destroying an entire Stormcloak base though, but Farengar didn't seem to care. We said our goodbyes to the wizards and continued on our way.

Their after-parties are to die for!
We quickly became trapped in a snowstorm after that. I just wanted to use my inner compass, but Farengar insisted he used his clairvoyance. I personally think that spell is a total waste of space. Granted, it did show us the path the Winterhold, but I'm sure the path it showed us was a detour. We also had to stop every 30 seconds because Farengar's mana had run out. But who am I to argue?

I was tired once we got to the College Winterhold (although I made sure it didn't show, like a true housecarl would) so I didn't really got a good look at the place. It was big and full of wizards. Farengar got his magical shave. What more can i say about it.

I had expected to travel back towards Whiterun together, but this wasn't the case. Farengar also needed a new Arcane Enchanter. According to him, that was the real reason I had come: so I could carry the bloody thing back to Dragonsreach. How insulting! I'm not a pack mule! If it wasn't for my training, I would have punched that hedge wizard in the face. I hope once I have my own thane to serve, he or she won't treat me like that. I don't think the oath to carry someone burdens was meant to be taken literally...

For now, I had to suck it up though. While Farengar rode off into the distance on his horse, I put the Enchanter on my back and started walking. It was heavy, but luckily I didn't come across any other troubles. I did say hello to the Greek Skull fans, who were preparing a concert to be held at Fort Kastav. They even had some cool props that looked just like real bloodied skeletons and zombies.

But I'm past all that now! Upon my return to Dragonsreach, Jarl Balgruuf immediately named me a housecarl. The official ceremony is still to come and they don't even have a Thane for me yet, but I couldn't be happier right now.

The greatest thing about this now is that I get to be inside castles and palaces, stroll around the cities and countryside and attend all sorts of parties. The idea of having a Thane doing anything else than that is preposterous!

Right? Right?!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Journal: Owner of a Lonely Heart

The following is an entry from the journal of Camilla Valerius, the sister of Lucan, the owner of the Riverwood Trader.

No, she didn't get married to you.
18th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 201

I'm feeling so lonely lately. Life in Riverwood has never been the most exciting, but at least I used to have fun with Faendal and Sven. Unfortunately, one has been missing for ages now, while the other turned out to be an insensitive brute. Sometimes I wish that stranger had never come to our town. I mean, I'm glad he made it clear for me that Sven isn't the man for me, but at least Faendal would still be here. I still don't understand why he suddenly had to leave with that stranger. When they went to Bleak Falls Barrow together, I thought: "Good, Faendal is going to prove himself to me by helping in retrieving the Golden Claw from Bleak Falls Barrow." But when they came back with it, they just as quickly left again! Is it my own fault? For ignoring him when they brought back that stupid claw? Or because I was to lazy to walk over to him myself when I realized the truth about Sven?

That stranger has come back to town a couple of times though. The last time he came by, the day that Delphine inexplicably left (what is it with this stranger and people following him?), I tried asking him what had happened to Faendal. He didn't gave me a clear answer though. Instead, he mumbled something about a misunderstanding with a chicken and self-defense before running off again.

I wonder if I should keep waiting for Faendal or try to move on. But who else is their in this stupid little town? Embry? He's a mean old drunk. I guess I could try to put the moves on Orgnar. I don't think he and Delphine were an item. I know Lucan would approve, since he and Orgnar have been spending a lot of late nights together lately. Come to think of it, Lucan just told me the other day how the Golden Claw has been a gift from Orgnar in the first place. That sure was nice of him.

I'll need to consider this.

The bane of every aspiring Dragonborn

Monday 4 June 2012

Letter: Dear Muiri

The following letter was found on the body of a dead courier, who apparently died of frostbite.

It probably wasn't a good idea to walk around Skyrim naked.

Dear Muiri,

I know things haven't been great between us lately. As you know, the death of my twin sister has hit us hard. My therapist, Helgird (well, she's more like a mortician, but she's the only one I know who resembles something of a doctor. I did consider asking Nurelion, but his cough might be contagious) has advised me to mention this fact to as many people as possible and ask them if they have lost anyone close recently. According to Helgird, this sudden unwanted display of personal grief towards strangers is a great way to deal with the mourning.

Anyway, when Alain robbed us, it was at the worst time imaginable. My parents and I couldn't really deal with it, so we simply blamed you for bringing the man in our lives. I now realize we might have overreacted a bit. But can you blame us? We didn't really know what to think.

For the sake of my sister Friga and our childhood friendship, I want to give you another chance. If you could sent me a letter back, in which you can explain one more time what happened and how sorry you are, then maybe we can  rekindle our friendship. If you do not respond to this letter, I'll have to assume that you did know what Alain was up to. But I'm sure that won't happen, since I know you are a good person at heart.

Nilsine Shatter-Shield

What could possibly go wrong?

Getting Started: My First Post (is quite boring)

Hey people,

I don't know if anybody will ever read this, but in case anybody will, I guess an introduction post is in order to understand what this blog is all about.

Bad news: Ralof isn't here to greet you. Good news: You won't lose your head.
So, have you ever played Skyrim and came across something where you thought: how did that happen? Or felt like the NPC didn't give you a proper explanation for doing a quest? Or ever wondered what ever happened to that one person you helped out ages ago? Well, maybe you didn't, but I did. Despite the immense world Bethesda Softworks has brilliantly created, I sometimes feel it lacks a certain motivation. So I thought to myself, What if I could give the other characters, the NPC's (Non-Playable Characters), a voice? What if I could tell their stories? Then I realized, I could!

In this blog, I will do two things:

1. I will create stories behind the characters, quests, random events and sometimes even common bugs in Skyrim, putting things in a new (and often ironic/funny) light. This will be done through letters and journal entries, supposedly written by the characters themselves. These entries are stand-alone and I'm, at the moment, not intending to create elaborate story lines around them. Most entries will contain several references to things in and surrounding the game. A true Skyrim fan will pick up on them.

Also, I'm one of those people that actually reads in-game books once in a while.
2. The Lydia diaries: Did you know that our favorite follower kept her own diary while traveling with the Dragonborn? In these diaries, the events that happen surrounding the Dragonborn are from her point-off-view. As we will discover, she has quite the personality, but has been taught not to show it to her Thane. To make the writing a bit more workable, the Dragonborn will be male, but otherwise I won't give him a name or race. He also dabbles a bit in each skill, so I guess he will be some sort of warrior/mage/thief/etc. hybrid. Lydia will commonly refer to him as her Thane.

Housecarl. Worse job ever?
Note that this is entirely based on my own imagination and experiences in Skyrim and things I encounter on the internet. I aim to make the entries funny and enjoyable (more so than this rather boring post), with a lot of references to things in the game.

Another thing: I'm not native to the English language. This blog is a great way to improve my own English, but I'll expect to make some mistakes.

I welcome comments and positive criticism, but please, don't be a frost troll.

Hope you enjoy!

Note: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is developed by Bethesda Softworks. This blog is a tribute to this game and is all in good fun. No copyright infringement is intended.